Student Biography:
My name is Boniface Mutua Nzioka, born and raised in Makueni county in Kenya. I studied elementary education in Mtito-andei primary and went to Joanna Chase secondary school. I did my first degree in Catholic University of Eastern Africa (philosophy), completed a post graduate Diploma in education from Maseno University and now has finalized a Master’s degree in Educational foundations (philosophy of education) in the University of Nairobi.
I am a teacher registered with Teachers service Commission and have worked in a number of Catholic children related programmes in Kenya. I have taught social development and Educational foundation units continuously for over ten years in a number of Technical training colleges and Universities in Kenya. Currently I am a permanent and pensionable employee at Machakos University.
Project Title:
Hermeneutic inquiry on strikes in secondary schools in Kenya: mitigating the problem through existentialism
Degree Name: