65th Graduation Ceremony

The University of Nairobi held its 65th Graduation Ceremony on Friday 24th September 2021. 4,205 students were awarded certificates; 1 Higher Doctorate Degree, 79 PhD Degrees, 378 Masters, 17 postgraduate diplomas, 3,459 Bachelors and 271 Diplomas. 36.7 % of the graduands were females while 63.3% were male.

In his speech, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Stephen Kiama wished the graduating class all the best as they embarked on the next step of their lives. He said that the University will accord everybody an opportunity for growth without discrimination. The VC also said that the university will continue to promote diversity.

While conferring the Higher Doctorate, the University Chancellor Dr. Vijoo Rattansi said “Let us refuse to be prisoners of history and deliberately prepare ourselves for the journey ahead. Like Martin Luther King Jr, we may not have the whole staircase, but we ought to take the first step in faith.” 

UoN’s Alumni Association Chairman, Mr. Isaac Awuondo encouraged the class of 2021 to join the Alumni Association as the experience will prove vital in shaping their careers, their communities and will go a long way in supporting their alma to achieve world-class status.

This marks a major milestone for the university as we rely more and more on digital platforms due to the Covid 19 epidemic.