Faculty of Education UON@50 CELEBRATIONS

Anniversaries are well worth celebrating, the management, faculty, staff, and students at the Faculty of Education held a 2-day virtual event to celebrate the University of Nairobi golden jubilee (1970-2020). The University mounted a year-long campaign to celebrate 50 years of academic excellence and take stock of the successes and milestones achieved since 1970 to date (#UoN@50).

On Thursday 24th June 2021, the Faculty of Education Principal, Prof Jumba welcomed guests during the official opening ceremony saying, “As a Faculty of Education; today we are celebrating because we have excelled! We have been excelling since the Faculty of Education was founded in 1953. The Faculty of Education has undergone a lot of transformation since then. We are proud of our achievements and the significant contributions we have made to the success of the University of Nairobi” Prof. Jumba then gave a brief history of the Faculty of Education ( Click HERE) and congratulated staff at the Faculty of Education for the individual role they play to make the University the best in the region.

Representing the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Human Resource and Administration; Prof Enos Njeru lauded the Faculty of Education exceptional performance; “The Faculty of Education has continued to be strong and deliver on its mandate. The milestones and achievements of the Faculty of Education have spoken for themselves over the years” Prof. Njeru added. His Remarks also highlighted key achievements of the Faculty of Education (Click HERE).

Prof. Ngesu, Representing the Dean, School of Education gave a detailed history of the School of Education saying “The school (formerly Faculty of Education) was established in 1972 with assistance from UNESCO. The School offers Undergraduate and graduate programs offered by the 5 Departments that make up the School” Prof. Ngesu further added, “today we have a reason to celebrate, we have established longstanding linkages and collaborations with various Universities across the world, Our programs are market driven for example, we offer Cooperate governance, Education in Emergencies, Early years education and we are continuously reforming and realigning our curricula to meet the Commission of University Education guidelines” Full presentation HERE

On Friday, 25th June 2021, the Dean; School of Project Management and Continuing Studies, Prof. Dorothy Kyalo gave a detailed presentation of the key achievement and transformations of the School. “ The School is one of the oldest schools in the University of Nairobi, The origin of the School can be traced to Koibatek (currently in Baringo County) as an Extra Mural Centre for the then Makerere University Faculty of Education in 1953.” Since the 1950’s the School has undergone many transformations and has accomplished many remarkable milestones. Currently, the school offers a diverse range of academic programs- 10 in total. Full presentation HERE

A key component of the #UoNat50 Celebrations at CEES was to recognize in a special way some of the individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the success story of the Faculty of Education.  These heroes and heroines were nominated and recognized for exceptional service. (Click HERE)

Other activities lined up for the 2- day included 4 Panel discussion/webinars, community service activities at the HGM Kinoo Primary and Secondary Schools, and a cake-cutting event. The Panelist discussion topics covered:

  1. Educational  policy,costs and curriculum reforms implications on quality and  planning education in Kenya; The CEES contributions
  2. Research and innovations in education and Project management
  3. The CBC Implementation and Implications on University Curriculum for Teacher Professional Development in Kenya
  4. Keeping track of global projects during Emergencies and disasters