NJAGI Risper Mwende

MUTUKU, Serryanne Wavinya

Student Short Biography:

Risper joined the University of Nairobi in August 2016 for her masters degree in curriculum studies. She previously attended Mount Kenya University for her undergraduate studies where she pursued BED in English and Literature.

Project Summary

Thesis / Project  Title: Influence of teacher preparedness in the implementation of competency based curriculum in public primary schools in Kiambu Sub-county, Kiambu County.

Thesis / Project  Abstract:

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher preparedness on implementation of Competency Based Curriculum in public primary schools in Kiambu Sub-County, Kenya. Four objectives guided the study; to determine influence of instructional methodologies in implementation of competency based curriculum at public primary schools; to examine influence of use of instructional materials in implementation of competency based curriculum at public primary schools ; to assess influence of head teachers’ mode of assessment in implementation of competency based curriculum at public primary schools ;to assess digital literacy skills of teachers’ in implementation of competency based curriculum in public primary schools in Kiambu Sub County, Kenya. The study was guided by Vygotsky’s constructivism theory. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study targeted Head teachers, preprimary and grade 1 to 3 teachers in 21 public primary schools, as well as curriculum support officers in Kiambu Sub-County.  The sample size constituted of 11 head teachers, 2 Curriculum Support Officer as well as 83 teachers. Data collection tools were questionnaires, observation check lists and interview schedules. Instrument validity was assured through seeking expert opinion of university supervisors. Instrument reliability was determined through test-retest method. Descriptive statistics was used for analysis of quantitative and qualitative data which included mean and standard deviation, results presented in frequencies and percentages. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0 was used for data analysis. Key findings of the study were; majority 52(71%) pre-primary teachers who indicated level of agreement were  of the perception that reporting to learners after formative assessment
